Our SENDco at Tymberwood Academy is Mrs P Chapman
In order to contact Mrs Chapman please contact the School Office on
01474 361193, or via email - marking it for the attention of Mrs Chapman.
Tymberwood Academy we value and respect our children as individuals; whatever their needs. We are an inclusive school (having a special resource provision unit that is integrated fully in to mainstream classes) and take pride in how all of our children work together to grow and learn. Progress is carefully monitored by all adults and stakeholders involved. Barriers to children's learning are identified and targeted provision is put in place and monitored to support these needs.
Children may need extra support, sometimes in the classroom with the teacher or teaching assistant or maybe through more personalised intervention. If further support is needed then a range of outside agencies may be involved. These might include the School Nurse, Speech and Language Therapist, Specialist Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Communication Assistance Teams or an Educational Psychologist.
SEND Documents 2023 - 2024
Information and advice for Parents and Carers
Resources to support SEND at home
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