Attendance and Punctuality
Click here to access our 'Attendance News' weekly videos
This year, our attendance target for the whole school is 96.1% which is in line with the National Average. We would like to see each class meet or exceed this target each week. We would like to remind you that making your children's medical/dental appointments for after school, or during the time off between terms will help immensely towards us all attaining this target.
There are 190 school days in each year. Good attendance means being in school at least 96.1% of this time. There are approximately 175 non-school days a year, 175 days to spend on family time, visits, holidays, shopping, household jobs and other appointments.
Poor attendance has an adverse effect on progress and attainment. Pupils who fail to attend above 96.1% of the time are more likely to make less progress and achieve lower results in school.
Our pupils are striving each week to be the class with the best attendance winning Attendance Teds that stay in their class for the week. Our attendance display in the main reception shows how your children's classes are doing each week. All pupils with 100% attendance at the end of the school year will win a prize.
Holidays: If you intend taking a holiday, please endeavour to use the time off between terms to take your children away. We fully understand the cost implications for some breaks away but your child's education is of paramount importance.
Our doors open for children to enter the school at 8.40am and close at 8.50am where work commences in the classes with the pupils reviewing work from the previous day, responding to teacher's feedback on their handwriting, spelling and grammar. Please ensure your child is in for this time to ensure that they have the best possible start to the day.
Please note, our Local Authority School Liaison Officer will be aware of persistent lateness and penalty notices may be issued.