School Uniform
Uniform Expectation Letters
Our School Policy
Children are expected to wear full uniform, which, as we currently do not have a logo, can be purchased from any school uniform retailer.
Whole School:
Black trousers, smart shorts, skirt or pinafore / dress (children should not be wearing black jeans / leggings / jogging bottoms / 'cycling or sport' style shorts
White Polo Shirt / Blouse / Shirt
Black Shoes – if black trainers are worn they should not have a colour / white sole or motif – smart plain black ANKLE boots may be worn in the winter (not UGG style)
Black or White sandals may be worn in summer – (these must be securely strapped
to the feet, enclosed at the back AND front as well as having no open toes)
Nursery, Reception and Key Stage One Burgundy Round Neck Jumper/Cardigan Dark Red & White Summer Dress
Key Stage Two (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) Navy Round Neck Jumper/Cardigan Navy & White Summer Dress
PE Kit
(Excluding Nursery and Reception only needed after Christmas)
*All children come to school in their PE kit on the day that they have their lesson
House Coloured Crew Neck T-Shirt (please speak to the office if you are unsure which house your child is in)
Black Shorts or leggings
Black Tracksuit (optional but would be needed in the winter)
Black Plimsolls / Black or White Trainers
Optional - apron / overall / old shirt
Any problems with uniform can be talked through in confidence with the class teacher, Head Teacher or FLO.
Fashion trainers and high heeled or backless/open toe shoes are not acceptable and are highly dangerous in school. Do not allow your child to come to school in such footwear.
We reserve the right to make children wear plimsolls during the day if they continually break the shoes ruling. |
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. If clothes are labelled it makes it easier to return them.
Lost property
Lost property is collected and parents are invited into school to try to identify lost clothing after school at the KS1 entrance. Most, if not all, items of lost property are not named.
Jewellery must not be worn to school. If your child has pierced ears, only 1 pair of small close fitting studs to the lobe of the ear may be worn. All earrings are to be removed for P.E. - we do not allow tape to be used.
Please arrange ear piercing to take place in the summer holidays to allow time for healing out of term time.
For Health and Safety reasons, any jewellery relating to navel and or other body piercing will not be permitted in school. Any child found wearing such jewellery will be asked to remove it.
Hair should be brushed and tidy and not coloured. Long hair must be tied back for safety. Hair should not be died different colours.
Pupils are not permitted to wear nail varnish or false nails in school.
Head Lice
This is a never-ending problem. If we discover live lice in children’s hair parents will be notified and asked to treat it. Please help to avoid lice by regularly combing with a fine-tooth comb and keeping long hair tied tightly back. The school nurse/doctor can give advice for different treatments.