Governing Body and Governance
A warm welcome from the Chair of Governors
On behalf of the governors of Tymberwood Academy it is my great pleasure to welcome you to our school’s website for the 2022/23 school year. Last year saw a continuation of the exceptional learning experience for the children, with an element of remote and in-school learning, caused by waves of Covid outbreaks. Thankfully, the second half of the year saw a return to more familiar experiences. Indeed, enrichment opportunities restarted and we know that our children enjoyed the trips they went on and spoke excitedly about them, when we met them.
Although our children have made enormous progress in readjusting to being back in school, inevitably there are isolated incidents of unacceptable behaviour and our staff, with the support of our families, have worked tirelessly to ensure that these are dealt with and the children can make the right decisions going forward.
Of course, Covid has had an impact on the progress of our children’s learning and this is being addressed and will be a key focus for governors to concentrate on for the upcoming year. We know from conversations with Mrs Kelley-Day and Mrs Kowalewska that everybody in the school will continue to work extremely hard to ensure that our children make the necessary progress this year in order that their attainment at least matches the pre-pandemic levels.
As governors we are always keen to hear your views and feedback on the school so please do feel free to contact me at any time through the school office. I will also be attending various school events throughout the year and be on hand occasionally at drop off or pick up times and will try to speak to as many of you as possible.
Thank you for your continued support for the school. The staff will always offer the best possible opportunities for learning at the school but we know that the children will only maximise their potential with the support and guidance of our parents and carers outside the school.
I wish everyone at Tymberwood and all our associated families and supporters the very best for the new school year.
Best wishes,
Brendan Hollyer
Chair of Governors, Tymberwood Primary Academ
Meet the Governors
Brendan Hollyer - Chair
Business Declarations: Trustee at Education for the 21st Century; Chair of Governors at Brampton Primary Academy (a REAch2 school).
Type of Governor: Trust Appointed
Term of Office: 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2025
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 2 out of 3
Areas of Responsibility: Pupil Premium, Data / Outcomes
I have more than thirty years’ experience of working for financial institutions in the City of London and have been a school governor since 2002. During my time, I have been a governor at primary and secondary schools, both in Bexley and at other schools across the South East of England, having worked for a Multi Academy Trust.
I first became a governor at the school my daughters attended, as I wanted to use my financial experience to help with budgeting for the school year.
I joined the Local Governing Body of Brampton in 2018, as Chair and have worked with the senior leaders to ensure that our children are provided with the very best experience to prepare them for their future lives. Since 2014, I have used my experience to work with other schools, providing support to new Chairs or to governing bodies that have undergone significant change.
Anita Wright – Vice Chair
Business Declarations: Family member works at the school
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Term of Office: 17 January 2022 – 16 January 2026
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 3 out of 3
Areas of Responsibility: Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Alison Jeffrey
Business Declarations: Governor at Gravesend Grammar School
Type of Governor: Trust Appointed
Term of Office: 1 September 2020 – 31 August 2024
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 3 out of 4
Areas of Responsibility: Finance and Attendance
Fr Michael Payne
Business Declarations: Chair of Governors at St George’s CofE School
Type of Governor: Trust Appointed
Term of Office: 1 September 2020 – 31 August 2024
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 4 out of 4
Areas of Responsibility: Marketing
Michaela Crothall
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Parent
Term of Office: 6 February 2023 - 5 February 2027
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: N/A
Areas of Responsibility: To be decided
Mark Crothall
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Parent
Term of Office: 6 February 2023 - 5 February 2027
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: N/A
Areas of Responsibility: To be decided
Frazer Westmorland
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Ex-Officio
Term of Office: Not Applicable
Meeting Attendance
Vicky Climpson
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Staff Appointed
Term of Office: 1 September 2018 – 31 October 2022 and another term 1 November 2022 - 31st October 2026
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 3 out of 4
Areas of Responsibility:
Siobhan Field
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Staff Appointed
Term of Office: 1 February 2024 – 31st January 28
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: N/A
Areas of Responsibility:
Governors who stepped down in previous academic year
Mel Brola
Type of Governor: Co-Opted
Date of Resignation: 6 February 2023
Term of Office: 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2025
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 3 out of 4
Areas of Responsibility: Attendance and Personal Development
Stuart Dixon
Type of Governor: Parent
Date of Resignation: 28 April 2022
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 3 out of 3
Ingrid Coetzee
Type of Governor: Appointed Governor
Date of Resignation: 13 March 2022
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 1 out of 2
Manjinder Nijjer
Type of Governor: Parent
Date Stepped Down: 31 May 2022
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 0 out of 3
Kathleen Quinn
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Staff Appointed
Term of Office: 1 September 2018 – 31 October 2022 and another term 1 November 2022 - 31st October 2026
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 4 out of 4
Areas of Responsibility:
Sarah Kelley-Day
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Ex-Officio
Term of Office: Not Applicable
Meeting Attendance 2021/22: 4 out of 4
Declarations of Interest
What is a school governor?
The role of a governor is to act as a critical friend to the school. We provide a robust and consistent challenge as we review the progress and achievement of our pupils. Governors visit the school regularly, observing lessons, speaking to children and hearing their thoughts on what they are doing and how they feel at school. We also speak to the staff to understand how they feel things are going across the school.
We also watch how the senior leadership team of the school use the resources and funding at their disposal to ensure the children have the best possible opportunity to maximise their potential during their time at Brampton Primary Academy.
Overall we work with the senior leadership team at the school to ensure that children have a safe, nurturing and stimulating place to learn, not just the core subjects the school offers like reading, writing and maths, but also the values and behaviours that we believe will give them the best possible start in life.
If you want to contact either myself or any member of the governing body on any matter concerning the school then please write to us at the school address. We are here to listen and to help where we can.
We currently have 9 members on our Local Governing Body:
1x Headteacher
2x Staff Governors
2x Parent Governors
1x Co-opted Governors (appointed by governors)
3x Appointed Governors (appointed by the Trust)
We are clerked by a highly experienced Governance Professional, who ensures that we discharge our statutory obligations in accordance with the REAch2 Scheme of Delegation.
Governing Body meetings happen six times a year, with the key focus alternating between Quality of Education and Resources & Enrichment. We invite a range of other staff to attend, in order that we can hear from a wider group about what is happening in the school. For example, last year we heard regularly from the School Business Manager, Subject Leads and a new to teaching member of staff.
As well as attending meetings, governors are expected to arrange visits to schools, linked to the area of specific focus agreed at the start of the year. It is a requirement that each governing body has a named governor linked to:
- Safeguarding
- Special Educational Needs
- Statutory Grants
In addition, we appoint governors to oversee the progress on the school priorities for the year.
Governors also regularly attend training, to ensure that they are kept up to date on the ever-changing educational landscape.
If you would like to contact the Governing Body please email marked for the attention of the Chair of the Governing Body or write c/o the school address, this will be forwarded to the Chair who will in turn make contact with you.
Financial Statements
Please see link below for REAch2 FInancial Statements, which covers Tymberwood Academy, for the Academic Years
REAch2 Governance Structure
For further details of REAch2's governance structure please follow this link:
For the Scheme of Delegation please follow this link: