Key School Information
Tymberwood Academy is a two-form entry primary school for children aged 4 to 11 years old. Tymberwood also has a Nursery provision and takes children from the term after their 3rd birthday. Our nursery is very popular and a waiting list is in operation - it is never too early to put your child's name down with us.
Tymberwood converted to Academy Status in February 2014 joining Reach2 Academy Trust ( and to celebrate these exciting times the decision was made to change the name of the school from Raynehurst Primary to Tymberwood Academy. If you are interested in the history behind these names please follow this link ...
Tymberwood Academy is a 'mainstream resource base' for children who have visual or physical impairments; this is something we are really proud of. Our children are well supported by highly trained staff who support their learning and pastoral needs, ensuring they are fully integrated into all aspects of school life.
We are fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful grounds which enhances learning.
Medical Appointments
Please make sure your child's medical appointments are arranged out of school hours. If this can not be avoided for any reason, an appointment card, NHS text or medical appointment letter should be brought to the school office for photocopying so that the absence can be authorised.
Appointments with class teacher
Any issues your child may have in school will need to go through class teacher as first point of call. You can catch your child's class teacher before or after school at the classroom door. If they are unavailable then please come to the school office and ask for an appointment. The message will then be passed on to your child's class teacher and they will be in contact with you shortly.
Any issues not resolved through class teacher will then be passed on to the years group phase leader.
On Site
Can we remind ALL parents that NO dogs (except guide dogs) are permitted on school premises.
Gate Opening Times
For the safety of the children during our busy times, our main gate is closed to vehicles between 8.30-9.00am and 3.00-3.30pm. NO cars are permitted to drive in, out or around school between these times.
Our pedestrian gate will still remain in use during these times
Parent parking on school premises
Whether you are dropping your child off in the morning, picking them up for an appointment or collecting them from after school clubs, we would like to remind you that NO cars are permitted to park by the front entrance to the main reception other than parents/carers who are responsible for a disabled child or have special permission.
All cars that are coming into school are welcome to use the gravel car park.
Parking outside of school
We would like to politely remind you when dropping and collecting your child during busy school times that you respect our neighbours by not blocking driveways and parking appropriately. As the road gets congested during school times, please keep an eye on your children when walking into school making sure they walk sensibly on the pavement.
Please note that the end of the day especially is very busy for taxis and parents picking up our more vulnerable children. In order for us to be able to monitor this carefully disabled badges must be visible when coming onto site. Please note that if badges are not displayed drivers will be questioned about this.
We have many vulnerable children at Tymberwood and we are trying to prevent any kind of unnecessary accident.
Thank you for your support