Mission Statement
Mission Statement
As a staff, we’ve been thinking a lot about the special features of the school. The aspects of the school that we’re most proud of, the aspects that bind us together and the aspects of the school that give us a shared purpose. We aimed-at the beginning- to have a sentence, or a couple of lines that best encompass who we are as a school and reflect what we strive for moving forward.
We felt the best way to get honest, purposeful and immediate feedback from staff was to enquire within a weekly all staff briefing. We simply asked for three adjectives, or one line, that best described the ‘why’ behind enjoying working at Tymberwood, and furthermore, where the passion comes from. The aim was simple: to create a simple and memorable Strap-Line/Mission statement from the words and phrases generated. Although we had a real contrast of adjectives and/or phrases which heavily reflected the love for the job, it was in fact quite easy to see three very distinctive and different categories forming.
The three separate pools of adjectives helped our thinking and allowed us to articulate our mission in a way that fits around all staff members views. In a sense they were able to fall into: how, what, and why.
Nurturing Potential- Inspiring a Generation- Excellence for All
Nurturing Potential
A common theme that visitors’ state when they walk around Tymberwood is the ‘feeling’ that you get. A distinctive feeling around how the children are treated and, therefore, how they conduct themselves. As a staff, we feel that children- with a whole variety of different strengths and skills- need to be cared for, need to be loved and need to know you’re fighting for them. This is something the staff do without thinking, do it because it’s the right thing to do, but also do it because they know our children can achieve beyond expectation if and when they have somebody believing in them.
Inspiring a Generation
From the response, it was evidently clear staff want to inspire and empower our children to aspire for themselves and their future. We believe that the children need to see and believe that they can go on and do any job or role in the future, and essentially, that anything is possible. This will happen when their learning is varied, exceptionally engaging and inspirational. Furthermore, with clear opportunities to excel, practical teaching of real-life skills and values relevant to prepare children for a life in the 21st century and modern Britain. We want Tymberwood pupils to have both learning and value characteristics that are distinctive where Secondary Schools in the local area and members of the community recognise they were Tymberwood pupils.
Excellence for All
When staff generated the adjectives, many described this idea of learning being personalised, challenging, motivating and where children ‘deserve the very best’. We felt the best word that incorporated all of this is: Excellence. No matter if you’re a child with a Physical Disability, SEND, a child who has a special talent, or likewise, a child that finds learning challenging, everybody deserves excellence. We are always, and will continue, to relentlessly drive all aspects of our provision to ensure habits of consistently high standards, which in turn, lead to, excellence.
It is important to state, these things are not complete. I cannot look upon the three separate strands of our mission statement (above) and think, yes, that’s completed, that is achieved. It is something we will stand for, strive towards over time, consistently improve and innovate upon as we move forward becoming a sustainably great school and a beacon for the community.